Sunday, July 31, 2011

A New Nature?

"so, I need a new nature?" Jeremiah 13:23 "Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." A leopard can't change his spots, nor can you take a pig out of the pigsty, clean him all up nice and purdy like...and he'll go right back to the mud. So what's the answer? A change of nature, that's what's accomplished by the Spirit of God. That's what God does to us...I can try on my own all I want too...geographically, behaviorally....but God's Word confirms it,
No, a man cannot change his nature. Only God can change a man's nature by the Holy Spirit. A leopard can't change his spots. You are what you are by nature. And if you have not received Jesus Christ, you're a sinner by nature. You can't be righteous even though you try. It's impossible. You need a new nature. I don't care. You can take a pig out of the pigsty, give him a bath with deodorant soap, spray him with perfume, put a bow around his neck and let him go and he will go right back to the mud. He'll just roll over and wallow in it. That's his environment. He loves it. That's his nature. Loving to just wallow in the mud. And that's the nature of some people. You can clean them up, give them a new act, and you can say, "Oh, it's their environment, you know. Let's bring them out of that environment and let's clean them up and all." Hey, but it's their nature. Let them go, they'll go right back. You need a change of nature...and there's where Our God comes in...His power changes lives, still after over 2,000 years...Jesus still changing lives..."Thank You Jesus"

So often, its just a mystery

"the mystery of the cross of Christ Jesus!" 2 Corinthians 1:7 "And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort." How can this be? So often my struggles with my walk, with my faith, shoot with life in general....leave me questioning God. I know His ways are not my ways, and His timing is not my timing....and how about stuff like,  When I am weak, I am strong. In suffering, there is healing. And through persecution, we are blessed. How do I not fret? Seriously, how do I Trust that my suffering will produce hope. Hope in Christ. Hope in Heaven....and what about hope for today?....hope for now? What about encouragement for today Lord?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Weak and Tired

"grow weak, tired?" Isaiah 40:30,31 "Though youths grow weary and tired, And vigorous young men stumble badly, Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength" God's Word seems to indicate, that those who thought themselves strong find themselves weak. God’s strength is reserved for those who know they are weak, and know they have no might. "Ok Lord, I AM WEAK, PLEASE HELP?"
How do we receive this strength from the Lord? We receive it as we wait on the Lord. "OK LORD.....WAITING..."

Just Seem to be Angry?

"angry with God?" Ecclesiastes 6:10,12..."no man can contend with one who is stronger than he... who knows what is good for a man in life" Lots of people today are fighting with God. They're angry with God. They're bitter against God. It's because their lives have not worked out to their desire. You see, I think God should only allow good things to happen to me...but really, what do I know? The Bible says I don't know my own heart. It's deceitful and desperately wicked. God knows. God knows what is best for me. " Oh, Why Lord, why do I struggle so much with that? Help me Lord!"

Roofin' It

been on the roofing crew all week, oh yeah, talk about fun....and not to mention the roof from h____, took me all week to move the tear off to the dumpster...thank you Lord for watching over us in this c-r-a-z-y h-e-a-t

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fightin' Against God

"who me fight against God?" Proverbs 19:21 "There are many devices in man's heart; nevertheless the counsels of the LORD, they shall stand" If you are anything like me, you've got all kinds of probably have all kinds of schemes, but ultimately, you know, God's Word is going to stand. In other words, you really can't fight against God or against God's Word..."The Word of the Lord, is going to stand"...."So why? Why Lord, do I continually try it my way....Lord have mercy on me!"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

To Each Their Own

"Live and let live, you know?" Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge" You know we live in a very tolerant age...and unfortunately, our tolerance level has become very high. We've become very tolerant of evil. Are we lacking a real hatred of evil? It seems almost illegal to hate anything...Shoot man, we've been taught, you know, we're not to hate anything, and so hate has been put as one of those intolerant words and people who have hatred are put in a category, so we want to accept everybody. "Live and let live," you know, and to develop a tolerance towards evil things. Evil is always seeking to be tolerated. It always is looking for you to compromise and to accept it. The real beginning and the sum of knowledge is really a hatred of evil because God hates evil. There's the 'key', if God hates it, I should! If I am to fellowship with God, I must also hate evil. I cannot tolerate evil in my life if I'm to have true fellowship with God. So, the fear of the Lord is the summation of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.  "I don't wanna be a fool Lord, I do want fellowship with You...Lord help me"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Everything...That has breath, Praise the Lord?"

"soon and very soon, ALL will praise Him" Psalm 150:6 "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD" Father, we do offer our praise unto You. Oh, how we praise and give thanks unto You for all of Your blessings...You, O Lord Alone are worthy...worthy to be Praised! Instead of only focusing on my circumstance, cause me to focus on You, may I praise You this day!

Too Many thoughts of Self?

Monday July 11th, 2011

"How much time do I spend thinking about Him?" Psalm 139:17 "How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God" Wanna be encouraged, just read thru the Psalms...and you'll quickly see, that as a child of His, The Lord is constantly thinking about you, His child!...and, so...what about my thoughts? Eyes off self...Remember your Father's love for you...Recall your identity as His own child...Rejoice in Him Today

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Nope...Not Even One

Romans 3:10-11 says, "As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one...there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God."..."none of us would make it?" Psalm 130:3-4 "If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness" So if the Lord should begin to keep an account of iniquities, none of us would make it. Oh, how thankful we are that with God there is mercy; there is forgiveness. Oh, how happy is the man whose sins are forgiven...amen? "With the Lord there is mercy...Thank You Lord!!!"

Friday, July 8, 2011

"Now, that's what I'm talkin' about"

"Now you're defining Him" Psalm 121:1-2 "I lift up my eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." There are so many gods that people worship and serve, we need to define when we say, "God," we need to say, "The only true and the living God, the Creator of the heaven and the earth." Now you're defining Him. That's the God that we worship.
"Aw come on David, Stop lookin at all the "hills, or obstacles" in your life...instead look to the Mighty One...the very Maker of Heaven and Earth....He's the One David!"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Is Anything too Hard?

"impossibility factor?" Luke 1:37 "For nothing is impossible with God" Over time we all and his abilities, has limits; Man's ability is one of the basic reasons we often doubt human promises. I'm even sad to admit, sometimes my experiences with man, eeeck over into my trusting God...sad, isn't it? But God is not like us, He alone is trustworthy, He follows thru, unlike me, unlike us...God's ability has a critical relationship with His promises. This is one of the significant differences between God's promises and man's promises. Our Lord is not limited by the "impossibility factor."   Help me this day Lord, to trust YOU

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Who's worthy?

"as for man, we're all dust" Psalm 111:9 "holy and reverend is His name" No offense, I've even done it, said it..."Hello...Reverend So-n-So" I wonder tho truly, it's used in the scripture only as the name of the is a title that is ascribed only to that holy name of Yahweh. That is the name that is reverend or to be reverenced. God, help us. Let us exalt the name of Jesus. "God has given Him a name that is above all names: that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess" (Philippians 2:9-11). But as far as man, we're all dust. We're all flesh. We're all corrupt...there is not one of us worthy, there is only one...Let us exalt the name of Jesus...amen?

24 Years

July 4th 2011  marked my bride and I's 24th wedding anniversary! "Can you believe it? 24 years with me?...she most definitely deserves a medal...6 kiddo's and 3 grand kiddo's, what history! Thank You Lord, for bringing us thru, for bringing us this far.....24 more? Please?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Six Foot Two and Bullet Proof?"

"I thought I was Superman" Psalm 103:14 "for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust" Oh, this body consciousness; everything is the body of man. Man has a tendency to magnify his body. I used too do the same, I used to really think I was something...but getting older has changed that...Now, oftentimes I am so disappointed with myself, and I weep because of my disappointment over myself. "Oh, I thought I was stronger than that, I used to be better than that"...its an ongoing constant reminder to me, that I am getting old, and my frame is deteriating...but thankfully, God says: "You didn't disappoint Me. I knew you were dust all the time." God wasn't disappointed; I was disappointed in me. But God knew me, He knew me better than I knew myself. He knew that I was, and am but dust. I thought I was Superman. I thought I could I leap buildings with a single bound, and He knows my frame. "Thank You Lord!"

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds?

"What kind of a nut are you, Paul, to glory in tribulations?" Romans 5:3 "We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials..."  The Bible tells us to consider it pure joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds. I haven't achieved that yet...I pray, I am a 'work-in-progress'. God wants to manifest Himself in my life (to prove, put beyond doubt or question.) God uses our trials to do that... I've discovered, "I'm a tough nut, stiffnecked, alot like the children of Israel" takes me a long, long time to learn...sometimes, I get it, most times, I don't! In life... there is always pressure, there is always problems...Glory in tribulation? When does glory in tribulation come? If I can just "be still", if I can just "wait upon the Lord"....Thankfully, I do have a hope...Jesus Christ!
I am blessed... 

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Why'd You Do that Lord?"

"ya know,'s a hard pill to swallow?" Job 33:13 "Why do you complain against Him That He does not give an account of all His doings?" "God, what did You do this for? Lord, why did You allow that to happen?" Do I have the right to challenge God? "God doesn't owe you any apologies, God doesn't owe you any explanations." Paul said concerning God that He is as a potter and we are as the clay, and what right has the clay to say to the potter, "Why have You made me like this? Why did You put that wrinkle in me?" As a lump of clay, the Potter has sovereignty over my life. Too often trusting God knows Best, especially regarding a certain circumstance in my life is really hard...and oftentimes I demand explanations from Him, but Job makes it very clear here.....God owes me none..."talk about your hard pill?"