"so, I need a new nature?" Jeremiah 13:23 "Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." A leopard can't change his spots, nor can you take a pig out of the pigsty, clean him all up nice and purdy like...and he'll go right back to the mud. So what's the answer? A change of nature, that's what's accomplished by the Spirit of God. That's what God does to us...I can try on my own all I want too...geographically, behaviorally....but God's Word confirms it,
No, a man cannot change his nature. Only God can change a man's nature by the Holy Spirit. A leopard can't change his spots. You are what you are by nature. And if you have not received Jesus Christ, you're a sinner by nature. You can't be righteous even though you try. It's impossible. You need a new nature. I don't care. You can take a pig out of the pigsty, give him a bath with deodorant soap, spray him with perfume, put a bow around his neck and let him go and he will go right back to the mud. He'll just roll over and wallow in it. That's his environment. He loves it. That's his nature. Loving to just wallow in the mud. And that's the nature of some people. You can clean them up, give them a new act, and you can say, "Oh, it's their environment, you know. Let's bring them out of that environment and let's clean them up and all." Hey, but it's their nature. Let them go, they'll go right back. You need a change of nature...and there's where Our God comes in...His power changes lives, still after over 2,000 years...Jesus still changing lives..."Thank You Jesus"
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