Monday, November 28, 2011

What must I do?

Saturday  Nov. 27th, 2011   "is it a 'do-do-do' mentality?" Matthew 19:16 “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” Like all of us, it's just natural, we are all bent towards a works-righteousness...a "do-do" mentality...
Jesus’ answer to the man’s question is straightforward. If you want to gain eternal life by your doing, you must keep the commandments - all of them, and in the fullest sense...uh-uh no way...ain' what's it gonna take?
G-R-A-C-E...."Amazing Grace" God’s grace is sufficient..."Thank You Lord !"

Response from Barbara Carter:   
Been thinkin' about something lately since reading a book titled The Green Letters by Miles Stanford. The idea of appropriation.We have so much In Christ that we don't avail ourselves of. Everything that Christ secured for us at the cross is ours NOW. Often we talk about the importance of not adding anything to faith when it comes to our salvation. And yet when it comes to all of the other things that are ours In Christ we live like we need to do something to obtain them.Hmmm, how do I get that "peace that passes understanding"? What about "joy unspeakable"? or Life more abundant? Surely I need to do something to get those. It saddens me when I talk to so many people that consider themselves Christians and yet only see their salvation as fire insurance. Doesn't Christian mean Christ follower? How can they say they are Christ followers if they aren't going the way He goes? Okay, I'm not sure why you are the recipient of my frustrations. Your post made me think about it again is the only reason. Thanks for listening....not that I gave you a

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