Sunday, February 27, 2011


"Excuses? Do I Glorify God?" Romans 1:21 says..."For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." it does not matter what you think, or what you know, unless it leads you to glorify God, and to be thankful.” (Spurgeon)

As I prepared for this mornings "Young Adult" Sunday school class...God's Word directed me here...first in my reading of Deut. 1-2....where Moses is once again giving the "Children of Israel" a little history lesson, reminding them of their "unfaithfulness", their "unbelief" at Kadesh Barnea...."If we go and take the land, our children will be killed"...God than answered their 'unbelieving excuse by saying, "You will be killed and your children will posses the land". Numbers 14:3 This led me to my topic for today...."Excuses", we all have 'em!Don't we? I know I do...and use them frequently, aw shucks, I've even taught my "kiddo's" how to use 'em, and quite well, I should add.
Just to name a few, here are some I found: 
He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else. Benjamin Franklin
It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one.' George Washington
"Anything, in fact, will serve as an excuse, when the heart is bent on compromise." Charles Spurgeon....he continues.....It is sobering to consider how easily, how quickly, and how completely, God sees through our excuses. We often feel confident in our excuses, because other people can’t really challenge them - but God sees right through them.
That's it, that's the "key"....God sees right through my excuses...."O Lord...forgive me...I give far too many excuses..."
"Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure."
There aren't nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses....Marcus Stroupe

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