Sunday, February 6, 2011

What a difference a day makes

Ah, I once again missed doing my blog yesterday...and because I did, I didn't get the opportunity to tell you what a good day I'd had on Friday! A good friend of mine, and one-time co-worker, Jeff Ondrla...had called me several weeks ago about an article he'd read in the Ft. Wayne the article another Jeff, Jeff Thornburgh was quoted as saying "how difficult it is these days to get quality individuals into their shop, to train them, and then benefit from their training and employing them.....So Jeff O called Jeff the way we all knew each other from my DVO might say this is all because of orthopedics, but truly its all because of God. Well Jeff T remembered both Jeff O and me....and a meeting was arranged, which was this past Friday @ 11:00 a.m.  Jeff T gave us the "red carpet" treatment...he took us on a tour of their entire plant, he'd stop often at different machines, explaining what each one did, suggesting to me this area would be a good area for you, or this area would require the least amount of training...after the tour we met Rita, PMT's H.R. person, who just so happen went to my high school, her brother was in my class, and she rememberd me...she talked to me all about the Ivy Tech CNC operators training program...gave me costs, scheduling, time frames, contact name and number....also told me that once a person receives this training from Ivy tech, it gets businesses attention! All in all, I just came away from this meeting so encouraged...for too long I've felt like I had nothing to offer anyone, any more...but these people took a sincere interest in me...Jeff T even said, "David we would definitely benefit from your maturity and your experience 'round here"...and I must say, its an awesome feeling! We left, and both Jeff T and Rita said please call us next week, and don't be a stranger!
Then once outside Jeff O was also very encouraged as well....and he even made me promise I would get going on this Ivy Tech program ASAP....not to mention he gave us about $170 in cash....kept saying "I'm for you! I'm your man!" All's I can say is "Praise God! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!....Thank You Lord, thank You Jesus!"
So, I leave and I call Brenda to tell her all about the interview, which she is so encouraged by as well, and she shares with me how Bob and Mary K want to pay for our license plates as well!
"WOW Lord....what a difference a day makes!"  "Praise God! Praise God from whom all blessings flow!....Thank You Lord, thank You Jesus!"

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