Sunday morning, 5-22-11, this question kept running, racing, if you will, thru my I "free"? Free to ramble on, free to be to think only of myself?...Self-Absorbed, ah now that's the way it should be, no? I fear this list, if I were allowed, would be entirely too long...but truthfully, it comes down to just one thing..."to be loved".
As my bride and I spent Sunday morning, sipping coffee and talking....many topics were touched upon, but mostly of people....friends, family, acquaintances, church(es)....relationships! How people, both now, and over the years, have and continue to fail hurt us...and we're quite sure, we have in turn, done our share as well. Life is hard, we're reminded of this every day, but for some reason, Sunday mornings seem to bring this out more intensely....why is that? Why are Sundays this way, at least to me? Is it the whole church scene? Is it that Monday's just 'round the corner? Do Sundays make me think of relationships even more? It's got to be because of having to go to church again, don't you think? It's got to be because you are once again forced to go and have 'relationship' with greet some, be hugged by some, be smiled at by some, be smugged by some, be hurt by some, be made to feel by some---you simply don't measure up! Why is that?....Relationships, like life, are hard...people are hard...we look for positive re-inforcement, encouragement, yes love, from people....and too often, it simply does not come, or falls way short of what we'd hoped for. We all seem to know, that truly, our only love and encouragement comes from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....but we hope don't we? We long for it, don't we?
Ah to be loved, I do believe it is truly the most important thing! I have it, in Jesus Christ....but I truly long for it more, from this world....."why is that Lord?"