Monday, January 17, 2011

Easier said than done

I love 'blanket statements' like " Every Christian should be able to see" don't get me wrong, there's truth in this blanket statement, darn good, darn right truth...You know the problem I find in so many of these 'blanket statements' in our Christian community?? my mind immediately goes to "easier said than done" don't get me wrong, like I said, these blanket statements are often rock-solid, and true...they are 'good-word'...but why I'm grumbling and complaining is, what I'm wallering in is, aw heck....I just love to gripe I guess...I just long for God to deliver me from my see, I know my circumstances run me, they rule me...and I even know this: "God could step in, 'right-now', and deliver me from my current circumstance...and I would be happy...for a little a very short time, I'd be asking Him to once again deliver me from yet another circumstance...I know this! I'm just that fickle, I'm just that way....I know this! Isn't that sad?"    
Allow me to give you just a little background, a little of why I'm writing this today..I'm reading the strory of Joseph in the Bible, starts out in Genesis chapter 30 (near the end of the chapter)...and his story runs all the way to the end of Genesis....long/short of it....Joseph is almost the youngest of about 12 brothers, and he's pretty much his fathers favorite, and his brothers know it, and Joseph too often, being younger, reminds them of it....anyhow the brothers become so enraged w/Joseph, one day they plot to kill him....but one of the brothers gets a conscience, and talks 'em into selling him off instead....they convince their father Jacob, Joseph's been forward, God causes many people, many influential people, to find favor w/ Joseph's future....Joseph eventually becomes like second in command in all of Egypt...he interprets dreams, and saves all of Egypt from a really nasty famine....after a long long time, who do you suppose comes back into the picture?? Yep, you guessed it, the brothers...and now Joseph's actually in a position, he had earlier predicted to his brothers would happen....they actually 'bow down' to him....many times I might add. I could go on, and on.....can I just encourage you to go to Genesis 30, read the story for yourself....please? But my reason for writing this    this morning is just this....the brothers meant harm....they meant for bad to happen....but God meant all this for His good, for good....So are you ready? Are you ready for one of these blanket statements I complained about earlier.......well here goes..... "Every Christian should be able to see the overarching and overruling hand of God in their life, to know that no matter what evil man brings against us, God can use it for good." You see? Its good isn't it? It's R-O-C-K solid, and it's true. Again hear is true....I should be able to see the overarching and overruling hand of God in my life...I should know that no matter what evil man brings against us, God can use it for good. Its just that....well its just, you see.....I'm me, I'm human....From a human perspective, Joseph had the “right” and the ability to bring retribution upon his brothers, but he knew God was God, and he was not. God ultimately delivered Joseph, saved him....But God took His time, His time....boy that's another area...."God's timing is not my timing"....I want rescued like Joseph, and I don't want it take nearly as long as it takes, as it seems its way as long as it took even Joseph....and so my battle rages on, too often I think, in my peanut little brain of mine, I know better than God...boy oh boy, could I write on that?

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